I just added a recording of Richard Siken reading from Crush to So I Have Heard. Check out his page to hear the recording.

I just added a recording of Richard Siken reading from Crush to So I Have Heard. Check out his page to hear the recording.
Here are four wonderful poems by Cynthia Cruz that I found in my archive. I’ve somehow misplaced the entire reading. You can find the all recordings in So I Have Heard on this page.
Here is an old recording from one of Connecticut’s best, Tony Fusco, just added to So I Have Heard.
I had the priviledge of being on residency last summer with Emily. Here is her reading from the beginning of her novel in progress, Until My Heart Comes Clean.
I recorded this way back when Elizabeth Willis was at Wesleyan. I remember I was so nervous my stomach was making noise. EW was great about it though. She soldiered on reading. I tried to sit as far away as possible. Fortunately, my stomach didn’t make it onto the recording. Just EW’s wonderful poetry.