How do you write this one? You wouldn’t guess it, but I spend about 90% of my time on paperwork. Case file after case file. Each and everyone seems impossible as you begin, for you know the crucible of boredom you must endure to complete one. The Snevets casefile was two levels of impossible beyond that. It required you to write the incredulous. For each entry, a believable lie wrestled in my mind to fill the space. The truth rang false, fanciful. The unit, my superior, the whole profession was anything but fanciful. Imagine trying to tell Sam Spade about the unicorn you’d seen yesterday. My mind goes blank. Could Snevets and his gift with words even write this? I stare at the objects on my desk for half an hour. A stapler, a picture, an elephant figurine. Nothing. I go for coffee, and will try again.

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