The 17/18 Poems 4: Unsuitable Objects

mixed character and whole jealousy
remembered nonsense forgotten wisdom
and certain interests
whose personal nature makes them
unsuitable objects of
impersonal concern
the thought to leave her
far away behind
rolling contemplation
between your fingers
how do these things get decided
is this a break or a bend
when do I know
trying too hard
is between her
it’s my rid

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The 17/18 Poems 6: A Structure of Inspiration and Concern


a structure of inspiration and concern
has escaped in the moonlight
and you got thinking life might
be alright for a minute
don’t pretend
it’s beneath your notice
it’s not
(just for the moment,
I’m saying)
you rush to gather
loyal and murderous
and ask on Wednesday
is poetry young or old
the corners are sharp in the light
kishmet is hell, what I say
like a collision
talking bird and window here
you don’t mean that, thud
the shame is deeper, thud
I, thud
you, thud thud
Oh God, crack

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 8: A Portion of Malice

he’s a person that knows better than love
but can’t stop himself all the same.
she was a church in the sky
dropping birdshit on people below.
in Britain, things were done differently:
more slowly and with less passion.
okay, something hit me somewhere.
is it that
I can see myself a portion of malice
or at least the meander of their doing?
our hero arrives in take charge mode,
but who can ultimately confirm or deny the world.
we are left with its giant question.
hero cowers. It’s okay big guy.

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 18: Knowing Better than Love

he’s a person that knows better than love
but can’t stop himself all the same.
she was a church in the sky
dropping birdshit on people below.
in Britain, things were done differently:
more slowly and with less passion.
okay, something hit me somewhere.
is it that
I can see myself a portion of malice
or at least the meander of their doing?
our hero arrives in take charge mode,
but who can ultimately confirm or deny the world.
we are left with its giant question.
hero cowers. It’s okay big guy.

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 24: Dude Raw

a break like a bend
more or less alive
many rains,
desires, and ideas

dude raw too afraid
the whole jealousy
a suitcase of a man
or a tarball ruining
someone’s beach

the freckled little milk
the mall of dead commerce
the sad clock of particular energy
it’s mixed character
tick, tock, tick

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 29: Stubbornly Former

by this kind
he means cancer
the prospect he attaches to firmly
narrative abusing time…again
he is the tom of love now
all windows
in the mood to be forgotten
while others discuss
bribes and blandishments
instead of the love
they are too afraid to want
let the heaven we inherit approach
out of the deep business of some dream,
that heaven so stubbornly former

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 30: Willow Said to Be Weeping

willow said to be weeping
joy said to be mocking
hope said to be thin
and the cargo was not slaves

this is the verbal energy
that surrounds the contemplation
of difficult (I mean ravenous) things

a bit daring I do say,
unlovely hand,
you are the subject given over
just like the dead
and in such quantities,
such well-meaning forevers

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 35: I Miss The Future

I miss the future maybe more than the past

what was to be and now will not

tragically gliding forward and away from us

there were happier men in that future

there was justice in that future

and most of all there was great poetry

can we bring it back forward

or is it gone forever

men will never have the character and intellect

that was to be so

being of the future

this loss cannot technically be 

a fall from grace

but being so close to realization

it feels we really did lose something

and now that wisdom, gentleness, and peace

is never to be had, or almost had, again

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 35: A World of Made

a world of made is not a world of born

how many rain-soaked lives must I live

this makes me pain great cause, and again, and again

in this opportunity of space, I am an asshole

an asshole deep

from the day that sex made me

from wanting the page to roar back

from the future I’ll never see

god, please grant me, not serenity

not this cleat or that clod

or the beauty of the leaden peonies

god, grant not love and good conscience

but a deeper, blacker stripe.

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 36: Kelly

I hear Kelly, I do Kelly

not so much saved 

as salvaged

until I couldn’t 

I couldn’t

just for the moment 

I’m saying

spell comfort


this plan is about envy

this play is about summer’s prices

a cock will burn down this city

a Minneapolis in the purple rain

we’re gussied up for the going down

I want to see Kelly

I want her to know

that hate, cold as it is

is only love’s winter

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 38: I feel like a wall now

of what whose habit is

to be by daylight pain,

like a Danish mope.

(I hate patience.)

I hate you,

and hate you in every color.

go chase rain to someone else’s doorstep.

I feel like a wall now.

Something I could shoot arrows off

or pour boiling oil 

all over your square-jawed silence.

May your lyrics try to keep peace

and always cause war

May it hurt when you laugh

May you watch

as the last snowball in hell

melts through your fingers.

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 39: The Doing We Are Talking About

the doing we are talking about

the clench 

the cry stifled

the table of strange theatre

and each and all in the night

slowly home I’m saying

confess my head the dirty bit

finger on nail, the hammer

of manner and motion away from a source

of meaning and the matter it makes

of mother-work, the merry and the dead

quite broken, the blacktop, I’m speaking

a turtle’s back

wet asphalt and now the rain

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 41: Four Paws

when to a the what 
you might well know,
four paws.
in this trap again 
are we?
let’s not begin with goodbye
you know the interesting thing
about collision 
is it’s so mutual
stop trying to right the wrongs
of law and love
the children of man
are naked and featherless
feeble and querulous
and you want to be 
Moses on a motorcycle

don’t think it isn’t a junkie fall
many wish life was just 
one long blow job
but there are dimes
on the eyes of the walking
there is a poetry
to that kind of blindness
the world says no,
and all they hear is yes, yes, yes

four paws, listen to me
this net is a visible sign 
of my continued support
it’s old sad music 
always comes into major
sometimes the second chance
come first
there are opportunities here
for a comfortable earth 
and sumptuous heaven
there is now parking 
free parking
in Jerusalem

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 42: The Bed

all summer long we sat in bed

reading into his mattress

the western canon

vindicating the whimsy

of a long dictatorship

the garish epaulets

the medal of conceivable bravery

the cross of smugness

the silver star of Whitman, the liberator

until fall, autumn breaking our pact

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.

The 17/18 Poems 44: Pleased

when the poem makes me uncomfortable 

I congratulate myself

when the poem doesn’t beg

and doesn’t scold

and is never memory’s fool

I am pleased

when it has an upright zeal

but doesn’t make my teeth hurt

I sign it without regret

Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.