and on the why
I crack my head
bodies are real?
stop leaving me.
becoming what?
the final claw
with you I grieve
the lesson, a bite
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and on the why
I crack my head
bodies are real?
stop leaving me.
becoming what?
the final claw
with you I grieve
the lesson, a bite
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with never not today
you can’t say no
for forcing bad moons
the stars yelling at your ear
give your name to flight
and little ambition
nonsense forgotten
says plump matron
while she like the water
bends light in her medium
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Better than nothing. More fitting than otherwise.
A thought that starts that way never ends well.
With pleasure a footnote, and so without striving.
Please note the cares I’m full of
The acts of correction on my body
The thoughts I guard
Their often differing ambitions
The heavy use of question
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mixed character and whole jealousy
remembered nonsense forgotten wisdom
and certain interests
whose personal nature makes them
unsuitable objects of
impersonal concern
the thought to leave her
far away behind
rolling contemplation
between your fingers
how do these things get decided
is this a break or a bend
when do I know
trying too hard
is between her
it’s my rid
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like the heaven
we can’t figure
or the subject
we inherit
taken on clumsy authority
the liberty for new mistakes
shot or hell shot
instant nature
not to be one
or to be one
we can’t figure
the wall waits
a sign of grace for the head
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a structure of inspiration and concern
has escaped in the moonlight
and you got thinking life might
be alright for a minute
don’t pretend
it’s beneath your notice
it’s not
(just for the moment,
I’m saying)
you rush to gather
loyal and murderous
and ask on Wednesday
is poetry young or old
the corners are sharp in the light
kishmet is hell, what I say
like a collision
talking bird and window here
you don’t mean that, thud
the shame is deeper, thud
I, thud
you, thud thud
Oh God, crack
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the order imposed by conflict
the metallic tasting air
boot heels furrowing the ground
we are flying their flag in risk for glory
from simple death there is no escape
from a complicated one
you can always run
I push at my insides
I feel a bit more cushion than stone
that is the conflict’s center
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he’s a person that knows better than love
but can’t stop himself all the same.
she was a church in the sky
dropping birdshit on people below.
in Britain, things were done differently:
more slowly and with less passion.
okay, something hit me somewhere.
is it that
I can see myself a portion of malice
or at least the meander of their doing?
our hero arrives in take charge mode,
but who can ultimately confirm or deny the world.
we are left with its giant question.
hero cowers. It’s okay big guy.
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they walked the location
whereupon all force resides
and stopped
give this some air, he said
I myself am almost being played
hear the music rough as bark
he now looking cross
the silence distressing
as one block of memories
in question stood
enough of them
darkening his eyes
the subject of his body
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More than the usual pissed off
the inauguration of birds
waving poetry’s flag:
Mick Jagger’s sweatpants
The full-on
where is our grumpy
keeper of the peace?
this has started filthy
Nothing corners the eye like orange
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some trick of harlotry
both signal and noise
sonnets bonnets
and backwards again
young once young always
and life a sort of monster
using weapon love
to hollow your bones
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the dislocations of summer
head behind the stars
thinking right now
something ought to
fall out of the sky.
if we feel a who
where a what should be
or a when that reveals itself
to be a why, then
let time fall back on itself
think it’s own tomorrow
swim like an ocean
an Athens of thought
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of that much.
both be foolish.
smile bones I.
get lost.
are now.
into the work.
a true report
as in the rock
the mind on words
the rush to gather
many great songs
the real suchness
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if you break a name
the cause it gives
the action I mean
is/I have no idea
but think of it this way
because coming north is impossible
what could be _______
and why such hot blood
other than they hate you
and hate you in every color
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so I have heard
and do in part believe
a wall is a door
you can’t open
am I the one? honestly?
is it Japan where you are?
the distance loving subdivision
compellingly unlikable
(influence felt here)
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her sad
it seemed
to the dying
I’m saying.
can we say,
is the most
that matters.
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beautiful drunk eyes
through which they fall
memory’s sunburn
all over my face
a dangerous inlet
a poem perched on arrival
the elegy blowing through
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.
he’s a person that knows better than love
but can’t stop himself all the same.
she was a church in the sky
dropping birdshit on people below.
in Britain, things were done differently:
more slowly and with less passion.
okay, something hit me somewhere.
is it that
I can see myself a portion of malice
or at least the meander of their doing?
our hero arrives in take charge mode,
but who can ultimately confirm or deny the world.
we are left with its giant question.
hero cowers. It’s okay big guy.
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.
of that much.
both be foolish.
smile bones I.
get lost.
are now.
into the work.
a true report
as in the rock
the mind on words
the rush to gather
many great songs
the real suchness
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.
No spare of the headier side
my soul but a devil
the sheath of personal nature
sweating in the shed
prone to need
a list of battles
the body, the great landlord
it’s complaints, coercion,
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shakes and groans. shivers
the sky was two
was too watery
what a week
how feels a fellow?
the patient, the fellow
lives to fail
must operate soon
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minimal, slow, and well put
his mode, total attention
a clever view of necessity
and well worth the fight
here is limbo
you didn’t expect that
yet the world opens
the very kind of north
we are talking about.
a place of faith
deadly serious, solemn
the silence
like a prism for words
and their separation
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before and astonished, poems.
beneath the honest
and worse the sincere
by hook or by crook?
down, as in, to the bottom
then a lateral move
at slow velocity.
And said twice
it seemed
the truth was being told.
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a break like a bend
more or less alive
many rains,
desires, and ideas
dude raw too afraid
the whole jealousy
a suitcase of a man
or a tarball ruining
someone’s beach
the freckled little milk
the mall of dead commerce
the sad clock of particular energy
it’s mixed character
tick, tock, tick
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there falling wasted
when I think closed down
with such a thing including
if by yes
of course I’m telling
what?/but cool
a sign of grace
these woods, these old people
the spring of morning
the bones I still remember
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and if not why not
talk to me
I’ve given
a wonderful way
a wordful song
a foolhardy love
sometimes you need
off and unlike
various and blinding
I’m not saying stupid, stupid
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from where the animating myth
such a thing including
the farmer/cow rehearsal
always like we call them
we first and death as dead
I was young once
mind big like a city
human above the body
two ass-clenching years of it
like a bird too chirpy
practicing my no-one in a bar routine
you don’t know how shitty perfect feels
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no, Mrs. Khokhlakov, no
what can one say
of how to live a life
other than
to just survive it
burnt shame
darkening memory
can God even caution you now?
I hope, but hope only
waiting to be told
that Icarus melts the stars
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by this kind
he means cancer
the prospect he attaches to firmly
narrative abusing time…again
he is the tom of love now
all windows
in the mood to be forgotten
while others discuss
bribes and blandishments
instead of the love
they are too afraid to want
let the heaven we inherit approach
out of the deep business of some dream,
that heaven so stubbornly former
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willow said to be weeping
joy said to be mocking
hope said to be thin
and the cargo was not slaves
this is the verbal energy
that surrounds the contemplation
of difficult (I mean ravenous) things
a bit daring I do say,
unlovely hand,
you are the subject given over
just like the dead
and in such quantities,
such well-meaning forevers
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early the scarlet morning
the sky floods
blood ruddy
we must remember
the heart is simple
the limousine full
it is ancient
it is awful
image: turning baskets over
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of made to gather
jingles many songs
feeds a complex hunger
live at your ear
to notice and care
admitting exchange
eyes never shut
sense trying to make itself
mist more than memory
a raft of deadmen
late at night
in low earth orbit
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a square-yes
no not even that
or maybe it doesn’t
find its fold
the map I mean
make it into work
of the captured heart
the heel is heavy
I serve
a practiced gesture
since I can’t say no
I won’t
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a story in place
a palace floating
acting mythic
really sinking
I started wondering
got lost
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I miss the future maybe more than the past
what was to be and now will not
tragically gliding forward and away from us
there were happier men in that future
there was justice in that future
and most of all there was great poetry
can we bring it back forward
or is it gone forever
men will never have the character and intellect
that was to be so
being of the future
this loss cannot technically be
a fall from grace
but being so close to realization
it feels we really did lose something
and now that wisdom, gentleness, and peace
is never to be had, or almost had, again
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a world of made is not a world of born
how many rain-soaked lives must I live
this makes me pain great cause, and again, and again
in this opportunity of space, I am an asshole
an asshole deep
from the day that sex made me
from wanting the page to roar back
from the future I’ll never see
god, please grant me, not serenity
not this cleat or that clod
or the beauty of the leaden peonies
god, grant not love and good conscience
but a deeper, blacker stripe.
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I hear Kelly, I do Kelly
not so much savedÂ
as salvaged
until I couldn’t
I couldn’t
just for the moment
I’m saying
spell comfort
this plan is about envy
this play is about summer’s prices
a cock will burn down this city
a Minneapolis in the purple rain
we’re gussied up for the going down
I want to see Kelly
I want her to know
that hate, cold as it is
is only love’s winter
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in other ways distracted
I changed forever by the horns
with the same is me of mind
we never not today dead in narration
homeless in a poem
become indifferent to the mantle
the urinal mint roiling in piss
with such a thing including
an original state more than I ought to
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of what whose habit is
to be by daylight pain,
like a Danish mope.
(I hate patience.)
I hate you,
and hate you in every color.
go chase rain to someone else’s doorstep.
I feel like a wall now.
Something I could shoot arrows off
or pour boiling oil
all over your square-jawed silence.
May your lyrics try to keep peace
and always cause war
May it hurt when you laugh
May you watch
as the last snowball in hell
melts through your fingers.
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.
the doing we are talking about
the clench
the cry stifled
the table of strange theatre
and each and all in the night
slowly home I’m saying
confess my head the dirty bit
finger on nail, the hammer
of manner and motion away from a source
of meaning and the matter it makes
of mother-work, the merry and the dead
quite broken, the blacktop, I’m speaking
a turtle’s back
wet asphalt and now the rain
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Down the long stair of life
A few diversionsÂ
More diversions
Grows the dayÂ
Swells the night
We are put beyond
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when to a the whatÂ
you might well know,
four paws.
in this trap againÂ
are we?
let’s not begin with goodbye
you know the interesting thing
about collisionÂ
is it’s so mutual
stop trying to right the wrongs
of law and love
the children of man
are naked and featherless
feeble and querulous
and you want to beÂ
Moses on a motorcycle
don’t think it isn’t a junkie fall
many wish life was justÂ
one long blow job
but there are dimes
on the eyes of the walking
there is a poetry
to that kind of blindness
the world says no,
and all they hear is yes, yes, yes
four paws, listen to me
this net is a visible signÂ
of my continued support
it’s old sad musicÂ
always comes into major
sometimes the second chance
come first
there are opportunities here
for a comfortable earthÂ
and sumptuous heaven
there is now parkingÂ
free parking
in Jerusalem
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all summer long we sat in bed
reading into his mattress
the western canon
vindicating the whimsy
of a long dictatorship
the garish epaulets
the medal of conceivable bravery
the cross of smugness
the silver star of Whitman, the liberator
until fall, autumn breaking our pact
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pots and pot-like things
the questions one asks
surviving like our parents
by the phosphate glow
of television
in a dark room
the nimbus of comfort
slowly curving the spine
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on bridges coming
to the break
I remained
caution in the rain
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when the poem makes me uncomfortable
I congratulate myself
when the poem doesn’t beg
and doesn’t scold
and is never memory’s fool
I am pleased
when it has an upright zeal
but doesn’t make my teeth hurt
I sign it without regret
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looking up from my book
to watch words
rain through the window
is it nonsense to say
that art is only prelude
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do the wasp
do the sex and rage
dreaming closer to dark
of rivals and lovers
beyond reason or will
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.
the very kind of north
we are talking about
a place of faith
deadly serious, solemn
the silence
like a prism for words
and their separation
Check out other work in the 17/18 Poems series here.